Help Our Instructors Go to Japan!

Help Our Instructors Go to Japan!
We really want to thank our Japanese Capoeira Cordão de Contas family for coming to Philippines- Please help us return the favor by making a donation online or in class, share this link & share the love!

Associação de Capoeira Cordão de Contas is the only Capoeira academy in Cebu Philippines. Our 5 instructors teach Capoeira pro bono at 3 orphanages around our city. We are headed by Professor Lobo (Jensen Chow), who was crowned the Asia Pacific Capoeira Champion by the Superliga Brasileira de Capoeira in 2004. 7 of the Japanese members of our Capoeira association, including 3 of the highest ranked Capoeiristas in Japan, Mestre Tigre and Contra Mestres Albatroz & Soquete, attended Cebu's annual Capoeira festival last month, where they helped us "baptise" 33 of our orphans into the art of Capoeira. Our Japanese brothers and sisters generously donated Capoeira uniforms for our orphans. We would like to return the favour and send a team to the Japan Associação de Capoeira Cordão de Contas festival to represent Philippine’s capoeira. The event is at the end of July in Tokyo and Osaka and has around 1000 participants from around the world.

We would love some help for the airfares from the Philippines to Japan and for the expenses while we are in Japan. One of our instructors is unemployed, another is studying Architecture at university, and all donate their time to teach for free at orphanages and community projects around Cebu. This would be the 1st time overseas for many of our Instructors & an incredible experience to be able to play Capoeira with 100s of our Japanese members and represent Capoeira in the Philippines. Every AU$1440 we raise will cover the Cebu to Tokyo, Tokyo to Osaka, Osaka to Cebu airfares, food and backpacker hostel expenses for the 8 day trip.